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Congratulations! EB Clinet celebrates 10th anniversary

Happy Anniversary EB Clinet

EB Clinet – Clinical Network for Epidermolysis Bullosa has been initiated in 2011 by the Academy of the EB House Austria. The network celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. We congratulate our partner organisation sincerely!

The team of EB Clinet has prepared a special 'anniversary section' on their website. There, you find out details about the history of the clinical network, who founded and drove it forward and what the platform has already achieved and still wants to achieve. The clinical network has a lot to offer to the EB community: Web-based seminars for clinical experts, a Nursing Forum for EB Care and a lot more. An interview with the founder Dr Gabi Pohla-Gubo is also worth reading.
Click here for the anniversary website.

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