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Three pipettes with colored liquides, one is lifted up by a hand wearing blue gloves.

Up to two research calls per year

Research grants

Currently, the majority of our funding is awarded via research grants to academic institutions, although consortia including industry are welcome to apply.

Usually, two scheduled calls for research proposals are held each year. They can either be ‘All priorities’ calls which means that project topics should fit within one or more of EB Resnet’s four strategic research priorities. Alternatively, a scheduled ‘Special’ call may be issued to invite proposals to address identified important unmet research questions, technology needs or clinical consequences arising from EB (e.g. chronic inflammation and fibrosis).

Project scope 'Research grants'

  • Fundamental to preclinical research projects in EB
  • Research projects must fall into the scope of a current research call: either an 'All priorities' call or a 'Special call' i.e. chronic inflammation and fibrosis
  • Lead applicant: researchers and/or clinicians (cooperation with industry welcome and possible)
  • Project duration: 12 to 36 months
  • Funding: up to EUR 90,000.00 p.a.

The essential purpose of the grant is to support a single research project in the field of Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB acquisita is excluded) – a piece of work designed to answer a single question or a small group of related questions.

General information: application and funding process

Funded projects (EB Resnet & DEBRA International research calls)

Grant Round/



Project lead



Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)
All Priorities 2022

Dr Angelo Condorelli

Projectdetails (Condorelli 1)

Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, Rome,


3 years Symptom prevention & relief Dystrophic DEBRA Austria
All Priorities 2022

Prof Marta García Diez

Projectdetails (Garcia-Diez 1)

University Carlos III de Madrid, Spain 3 years Molecular therapy, Cellular therapy Dystrophic


DEBRA Austria


Grant Round/



Project lead



Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)
All Priorities 2021

Dr Carlos León

Projectdetails (León 1)

University Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

2 years

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy


DEBRA Austria,

DEBRA Sweden,


All Priorities 2021

Dr Zlatko Kopecki

Projectdetails (Kopecki 1)

University of South Australia, Australia 2 years & 3 months Symptom prevention & relief All types DEBRA Austria
All Priorities 2021

Prof Thomas Magin

Projectdetails (Magin 5)

University of Leipzig,


3 years

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy

Simplex DEBRA Austria


Grant Round/



Project lead



Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)
All Priorities 2020

Prof Alain Hovnanian

Projectdetails (Hovnanian 7 Ext)

INSERM, Paris, France 1 year

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy

Dystrophic DEBRA France
All Priorities 2020

Dr Nicholas Veldhuis

Projectdetails (Veldhuis 1)

Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,

Monash University, Australia

3 years Symptom prevention & relief Dystrophic DEBRA Austria
All Priorities 2020

Prof Eli Sprecher

Projectdetails (Sprecher 1)

Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Israel

3 years

EB genetics, epigenetics &


all types DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 2020


Dr Ignacia Fuentes

Projectdetails (Fuentes 1)

Clínica Alemana-Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile 1,5 years

Cellular therapy,

Symptom prevention & relief

all types

DEBRA France &

DEBRA Austria


Grant Round/



Project lead



Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)
All Priorities 2019

Prof Valerie Brunton

Projectdetails (Brunton 2)

University of Edinburgh,


2 years Skin cancer & fibrosis Kindler

DEBRA Austria


All Priorities 2019

Prof Karine Raymond

Projectdetails (Raymond 1)

Leiden University Medical Center,

The Netherlands

3 years

EB genetics, epigenetics &



DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 2019

Dr Colin Butler

Projectdetails (Butler 1)

University College London,

Great Ormond Street Institute

of Child Health,


2 years


prevention & relief


DEBRA Austria


All Priorities 2019

Prof. Liam Grover

Projectdetails (Grover 1)

University of Birmingham,


2 years Skin cancer & fibrosis Dystrophic


DEBRA Ireland


Grant Round/Call Project lead Organisation/Institute Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)

All Priorities

Call 2018

Prof Jouni Uitto

Projectdetails (Uitto 3)

Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia


2 years

EB genetics, epigenetics &





DEBRA Austria

All Priorities

Call 2018

Prof Ganna Bilousova

Projectdetails (Bilousova 1)

University of Colorado,


3 years Cellular therapy Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities

Call 2018

Dr Su Lwin

Projectdetails (Lwin 1)

Kings College London,


2 years

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy

Dystrophic DEBRA UK

All Priorities

Call 2018

Prof Gareth Inman

Projectdetails (Inman 1)

University of Glasgow 1 year Skin cancer & fibrosis Dystrophic DEBRA UK
CIF Call 2018

Prof Giovanna Zambruno

Projectdetails (Zambruno 2)

Bambino Gesu Ospedale,


3 years

Skin cancer & fibrosis,

EB genetics, epigenetics & biology



DEBRA Austria



CIF Call 2018

Prof Ulrich Rodeck

taken over by Prof. Andy South

Projectdetails (Rodeck 1)

Thomas Jefferson University,


2 years Symptom prevention & relief Dystrophic

DEBRA Austria

DEBRA Ireland

CIF Call 2018

Dr Yanling Liao

Projectdetails (Liao 1)

New York Medical College,


3 years

Symptom prevention & relief,




DEBRA Ireland


Grant Round/Call Project lead Organisation/Institute Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)

All Priorities

Call 2017

Prof Cristina Has

Projectdetails (Has 1 Ext)

University of Freiburg,


1 year EB genetics, epigenetics & biology Simplex DEBRA Austria

All Priorities

Call 2017

Dr Antonia Reimer

Projectdetails (Reimer 1)

University of Freiburg,


3 years EB genetics, epigenetics & biology



DEBRA Austria

Innovative Research

Grant Call 2017

Prof Margarita Calvo

Projectdetails (Calvo 1)

Pontificia Universidad

Católica de Chile,


1,5 years Symptom prevention & relief Dystrophic

DEBRA Austria


Innovative Research

Grant Call 2017

Dr Cédric Gaggioli

Projectdetails (Gaggiolo 3)

Association pour le Développement

des Sciences Médicales,

Faculté de Médicine,


1 year Skin cancer & fibrosis Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities

Call 2017

Prof Daniele Castiglia

Projectdetails (Castiglia 1)

IRCCS, Rome,


3 years

Skin cancer & fibrosis,

EB genetics, epigenetics & biology


DEBRA Austria


All Priorities

Call 2017

Prof Thomas Magin

Projectdetails (Magin 3)

University of Leipzig,


3 years

Molecular therapy,

EB genetics, epigenetics & biology

Simplex DEBRA Austria

All Priorities

Call 2017

Prof Alain Hovnanian

Projectdetails (Hovnanian 7)

INSERM, Departement of Genetics,


2 years

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy

Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

Wound Healing

Call 2017

Initiated by Professor Marcel Jonkman,

Nicholas Schräder, and

Professor André P Wolff

Projectdetails (Jonkman 1)

University Medical Center Groningen 3 years Symptom prevention
& relief 
all types DEBRA UK

Wound Healing

Call 2017

Prof Dr Sabine Eming

Projectdetails (Eming 1)

University Hospital of Cologne,


3 years

Symptom prevention &




DEBRA Ireland


Grant Round/Call Project lead Organisation/Institute Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)

All Priorities

Call 2016

Dr Fernando Larcher

Projectdetails (Larcher 1)

CIEMAT - Centro de Investigaciones

Energéticas Medioambientales y

Tecnológicas Prospósito, SPAIN

2 years

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy

Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities

Call 2016

Prof Arnoud Sonnenberg

Projectdetails (Sonnenberg 5)

Netherlands Cancer Institute,


2 years

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy


DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2016

Prof Jouni Uitto

Projectdetails (Uitto 2) 

Thomas Jefferson University,



2 years

EB genetics,

epigenetics & biology





DEBRA Austria


Grant Round/Call Project lead Organisation/Institute Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)

All Priorities

Call 2015

Dr Andrew South

Projectdetails (South 3)

Thomas Jefferson University,



2 years

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy

Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities

Call 2015

Dr Marius Wernig

Projectdetails (Wernig 1)

Standord University, California,


3 years Molecular therapy Dystrophic DEBRA Austria


Call 2015

Prof Leena Bruckner-


Projectdetails (Bruckner-Tuderman 5)

University of Freiburg Medical Center,

Departement of Determatology,


4 years

Symptom prevention & relief,

Clinical trial Phase II

Dystrophic DEBRA Austria


Call 2015

Dr Andrew South,

Prof Johann Bauer,

Prof Jemima Mellerio

Projectdetails (South 3a)

Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, US, 
Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, Austria, 

St John’s Institute of Dermatology,

St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK

Start date


Skin cancer & fibrosis,

Clinical trail Phase II

Dystrophic DEBRA UK


Call 2015

Prof Peter Marinkovich

terminated - Projectdetails (Marinkovich 3)

Stanford University, USA 3 years

Skin cancer & fibrosis, Molecular therapy

Clinical trial Phase II

Dystrophic DEBRA Austria


Grant Round/Call Project lead Organisation/Institute Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)

All Priorities

Call 2014-06

Dr Jouni Uitto

Projectdetails (Uitto 1)

Dermatology and Cutaneous Biology, Philardelphia, USA 3 years EB genetics, epigenetics & biology Dystrophic DEBRA UK

All Priorities

Call 2014-06

Dr John McGrath

Projectdetails (McGrath 19 ADSTEM)

St John’s Institute of Dermatology, St Thomas’ Hospital,

London, UK

2 years Cellular therapy Dystrophic

Cure EB


Sohana Reserach


All Priorities

Call 2014-06

Dr Gareth Inman,

Dr Andy South

Projectdetails (Inman South 1)

University of Dundee, Division of Cancer Research,

Medical Research Institute, College of Medicine

Dentistry and Nursing, UK

3 years Skin cancer & fibrosis Dystrophic DEBRA UK

All Priorities

Call 2014-06

Prof Valerie Brunton

Projectdetails (Brunton 1)

University of Edingburgh, UK 3 years EB genetics, epigenetics & biology Kindler DEBRA UK

All Priorities

Call 2014-06

Prof Mitchell Cairo

Projectdetails (Cairo 3)

New York Medical College,

New York, USA

2 years (+ 1) Cellular therapy Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities

Call 2014-06

Dr Verena Wally (Ext. Bauer)

Projectdetails (Wally 1 Ext Bauer 3)

EB House Austria, Paracelsus

Private Medical University

Salzburg, Austria

1 year

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy

Simplex DEBRA Austria

All Priorities

Call 2014-06

Prof Crstina Has

Projectdetails (Has 1)

University of Freiburg Medical Center,

Departement of Dermatology,


2 years

EB genetics, epigenetics

& biology

Simplex DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2014-12

Dr Mark Saville

Projectdetails (Saville 1)

Ninewells Hospital and Medical School,

University of Dundee, UK

3 years Skin cancer & fibrosis Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2014-12

Prof Leena Bruckner-Tuderman

Projectcdetails (Bruckner-Tuderman 4 Ext)

University of Freiburg Medical Center,


Extension Symptom prevention & relief Dystrophic DEBRA Austria


Grant Round/Call Project lead Organisation/Institute Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)

All Priorities

Call 2013-06

Dr Andrew South

Projectdetails (South 2)

Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Medicine,

Clinical Research Centre, University of Dundee, UK

2 years Skin cancer & fibrosis Dystrophic DEBRA UK

All Priorities

Call 2013-06

Dr Cedric Gaggioli

Projectdetails (Gaggioli 2)

IRCAN - Institute for Research on Cancer and Aging,

Nice, France

40 months Skin cancer & fibrosis Dystrophic DEBRA UK

All Priorities

Call 2013-06

Dr Derry Roopenian

Projectdetails (Roopenian 2)

The Jackson Laboratory, USA 3 years EB genetics, epigenetics & biology Junctional DEBRA UK

All Priorities

Call 2013-06

Dr Iris Gratz

Projectdetails (Gratz-Murauer 1)

University of Salzburg,

Departement of Molecular Biology,


2 years

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy,


Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities

Call 2013-06

Prof John McGrath

Projectdetais (McGrath 16 Ext)

King’s College London, UK Extension

Symptom prevention

& relief

Dystrophic DEBRA Austria


Grant Round/Call Project lead Organisation/Institute Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)

AP Call


Prof Edel O'Toole

Projectdetails (O'Toole 1 Ext)

Centre for Cutaneous Research,

Blizard Institute, London, UK

1 year Skin cancer & fibrosis Dystrophic DEBRA UK

AP Call


Prof Johan Bauer

Projectdetails (Bauer 5)

Division of Molecular Dermatology and EB House Austria,

Paracelsus Private Medical University Salzburg, Austria

3 years

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy

Junctional DEBRA UK

3MEuro Call


Prof Leena Bruckner-


Projectdetails (Bruckner-Tuderman-

Handgretinger 1)

University Freiburg Medical Center,

Departement of Determatology,


2 years

Cellular therapy

Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

3MEuro Call


Prof Ellen Brigitte Lane

Projectdtails (Lane 3)

IMB - Institute of Medical Biology,


2 years Molecular therapy


Dowling Meara

DEBRA Austria

3MEuro Call


Prof Peter Marinkovich

Projectdetails (Marinkovich 2)

Stanford University, California,


3 years

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy



DEBRA Austria

3MEuro Call


Dr Waseem Qasim

Projectdetails (Qasim 1)

Molecular Immunology Unit 

UCL Institute of Child Health, London,


3 years Molecular therapy Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

3MEuro Call


Prof Dennis Roop

Projectdetails (Roop 2)

University of Colorade, Denver,


3 years Cellular therapy Dystrophic DEBRA Austria


Grant Round/Call Project lead Organisation/Institute Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)

All Priorities 

Call 2011

Prof Leena Bruckner-


Projectdetails (Bruckner-Tuderman 4 + Ext)

University Freiburg Medical Center,

Departement of Dermatology, 


3 years

+ 1 year (Ext)

Symptom prevention & relief

Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2011

Prof Johann Bauer

Projectdetails (Bauer 4)

PMU, Salzburg,


3 years

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy


DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2011

Prof Mitchell Cairo

Projectdetails (Cairo 2 Ext)

New York Medical College,

New York, USA

2 years

+ 1 year (Ext)

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy



DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2011

Prof Ellen Brigitte Lane

Projectdetails (Lane 2)

IMB - Institute of Medical Biology,


3 years Molecular therapy Simplex DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2011

Dr Derry Charles Roopenian

Projectdetails (Roopenian-Sundberg 1)

The Jackson Laboratory, 

Bar Harbor, Main,


1 year

EB genetics, epigenetics

& biology

Junctional DEBRA Austria

All Priorities

Call 2011-06

Prof Irwin McLean,

Prof John McGrath

Projectdetails (McLean-McGrath 1)

University of Dundee, UK 1 year Molecular therapies all types DEBRA UK

All Priorities

Call 2011-06

Prof Johan McGrath

Projectdetails (McGrath 18)

Guy's and St Thomas NHS

Foundation Trust, UK

2,5 years Molecular therapy all types DEBRA UK

All Priorities 

Call 2011-06

Arnoud Sonnenberg

Projectdetails (Sonnenberg 4)

The Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI),

The Netherlands

2 years Cellular therapy Kindler DEBRA UK


Grant Round/Call Project lead Organisation/Institute Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)

All Priorities

Call 2010-12

Prof Giovanna Zambruno

Projectdetails (Zambruno 1)

Laboratory and Cell Biology, Instituto Dermopatico dell'Immacolata, Rome, Italy 2 years Symptom prevention & relief Dystrophic DEBRA UK

All Priorities

Call 2010-12

Prof Mc Lean

Projectdetails (McLean-Heagerty)

University of Dundee,

Division of Molecular Medicine, Epithelial Genetics Groupe


3 years Cellular therapy Simplex DEBRA UK

All Priorities 

Call 2010-06

Dr Alessandra Recchia

Projectdetails (Rechia 1)

Centre fro regenerative Medicine,

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia,


2 years

+ 6 months (Ext)

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy


DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2010-06

Prof Edel Ann O’Toole

Projectdetails (O'Toole 1)

Queen Mary University of London,

Centre for Cell Biology and Cutaneous Research


4,5 years Cellular therapy Dystrophic DEBRA UK

All Priorities

Call 2010-01

Dr Cedric Gaggioli

Projectdetails (Gaggioli 1)

A.D.S.M. Association pour le Développment des

Sciences Médicales, Faculté de Médicine, Nice,


1 year Skin cancer & fibrosis Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2010-01

Prof John McGrath

Projectdetails (McGrath 16+Ext)

King's College London, School of Medicine,

St. John's Institute of Dermatology, UK

2 years + 9 months

Symptom prevention

& relief

Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2010-01

Prof Dennis Roop

Projectdetails (Roop 1)

University of Colorado, Denver,


3 years Cellular therapy Simplex


DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2010-01

Prof John Sundberg

Projectdetails (Sundberg 1 Ext)

The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, 


4 months

Molecular therapy,

EB genetics, epigenetics & biology

Junctional DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2010-01

Dr Jakub Tolar

Projectdetails (Tolar 1)

University of Minnesota, Departement of

Pediatric Hermatology - Oncology / Blood

and bone Marrow Transplantation, 


2 years Molecular therapy Dystrophic DEBRA Austria


Grant Round/Call Project lead Organisation/Institute Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)

All Priorities

Call 2009-06

Prof Mitchell Cairo

Projectdetails (Cairo 1)

Columbia University,

Departement of Medicine and Pathology,

New York, USA

1 year Cellular therapy Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2009-06

Dr Laurent Gagnoux-Palacios

Projectdetails (Gagnoux 2)

A.D.S.M. Association pour le Développement

des Sciences Médiacles, Faculté de Médicine,


3 years Skin cancer & fibrosis Junctional DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2009-06

Prof Josef Penninger

Projectdetails (IMBA 1 Ext)

IMBA Institute of Molecular Biotechnology,



2 years

+ 1 year


Cellular therapy
Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2009-06

Prof Colin Johada

Projectdetails (Johada 1)

Durham University, School of Biological and

Biomedical Sciences, Durham, UK

2 years Cellular therapy Dystrophic


DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2009-06

Dr John F. Marshall

Projectdetails (Marshall 4)

Queen Mary University of London, Barts and

London Medical School, Institute of Cancer,

Centre for Tumour Biology, London, UK

2 years Skin cancer & fibrosis Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2009-06

Dr Andrew South

Projectdetails (South 1)

Ninewells Hospital and Medical School,

Centre for Oncology and Molecular Medicine,

Dundee, UK

1 year Skin cancer & fibrosis Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities 

Call 2009-06

Dr Wenxin Wang

Projectdetails (Wang 1)

NUIG National University of Ireland,

Galway, Department of Mechanical and

Biomedical Engineering, Galway, IRELAND

2 years Symptom prevention & relief Dystrophic DEBRA Austria


Grant Round/Call Project lead Organisation/Institute Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)

All Priorities

Call 2008-06

Porf Johan Bauer

Projectdetails (Bauer 3)

Division of Molecular Dermatology and EB House Austria,

Paracelsus Private Medical University Salzburg, Austria

3 years

+ 1 year (Ext)

Molecular therapy,

Cellular therapy

Simplex DEBRA UK
Grant Round/Call Project lead Organisation/Institute Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)

All Priorities

Call 2007

Porf G Wiche

(Wiche 2)

Max Perutz Laboratories, Vienna, 


2 years Molecular therapy Simplex DEBRA UK

All Priorities

Call 2007

Prof Peter Marinkovich

(Marinkovich 1)

Stanford University, California,


1 year

Skin cancer & firbosis,

Molecular therapy

Dystrophic DEBRA Austria

All Priorities

Call 2007

Dr Olga Igoucheva

(Igoucheva 1)

Jefferson Medical College,

Departement of Dermatology and

Cutaneous Biology, hiladelphia,


2 years Cellular therapy Dystrophic DEBRA Austria


Grant Round/Call Project lead Organisation/Institute Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)

All Priorities

Call 2006

Dr John Paul Sundberg

Projectdetails (Sundberg 1)

The Jackson Laboratory, Main, USA

40 months

+ 4 months (Ext)

Molecular therapy,

EB genetics, epigenetics & biology

Junctional  DEBRA UK


Contact for Research grants

Portraitfoto von Gaston Sendin

Gaston Sendin, PhD

Head of Research
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