Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Christmas Wishes
Once again, we look back on a year marked by Covid-19. On 14th December, we held a virtual meeting of our Medical & Scientific Advisory Panel (MSAP) to consider the research proposals received to this year's research-funding round, because the normal face-to-face meeting in Vienna was again, unfortunately, impossible. The meeting went very well, and the scientific discussion was led professionally and efficiently by the two MSAP co-Chairs Prof John Marshall (Queen Mary University London) and Prof Thomas Magin (University of Leipzig).
Proposals received ranged across all EB types, from early-stage investigations of novel therapeutic concepts, through to late preclinical research and early clinical trials, and from developing better wound-management technologies to addressing cancer diagnosis and prevention – all topics that fall within the scope of ‚All-Priorities‘ calls. Of the 14 eligible proposals, one achieved the highest ranking of ‚internationally important‘ research. A further four proposals were deemed to be of a high standard meeting the key criteria of scientific quality, value for money, and likely to translate to significant patient health benefit. Five proposals are therefore recommended for support.
All projects funded to date can be found under Research Grants.
Despite Covid, EB research continues around the world, and we are grateful for the commitment and hard work of our research community. Thank you for your support and commitment to help people with EB!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!